The innovation platform
Facilitates idea crowd sourcing, management & incubationINNOVET offers a flexible solution to streamline idea management, fostering innovation from conception to incubation. This platform makes it effortless to gather, manage, and implement ideas from various sources like customers, employees, and the public.
It facilitates ongoing innovation in organizations, by managing the entire idea cycle, including their collection and filtration, assessment and selection, and finally their incubation and implementation.
Bring good ideas to life
Encourage innovation through a user-friendly and interactive platformLaunch challenges
Administrators can easily initiate and manage idea challenges, inviting participation widely.
assess & approve ideas
Rigorous screening and expert evaluation lead to the selection of the most promising ideas.
Sponsor projects
Facilitate the progression of ideas into successful projects with expert and financial support.
Browse through the main functionalities built into our solutionIDEA SUBMISSION
Simplify the process of creating challenges and filtering ideas.
Rely on expert assessments for idea selection.
Manage the sponsorship and kick-off of startup ideas.
Benefit from integrated online chat and email functionalities.
Ready to boost innovation in your organization? Simplify idea crowdsourcing with INNOVET. Contact us to learn more and request a demo today.
Designed for easier management and superior user experienceUser-friendly
Customized dashboards and access for idea generator, admin, expert and sponsor
Personalized with your brand logo and colors
Cloud or on-premise hosting. Integrates with third party systems
Adapts to various desktop/ mobile devices and Internet browsers
From 1- 50,000 users, with no loss in performance and at no extra cost
Compatible with 4 languages: English, Arabic, French and Spanish