Implementing an E-learning program in UAE ministry to replace HR manual

Online training on HR processes and policies completed for 1,200 staff in record time

A UAE government ministry needed to improve awareness and understanding among all employees of its HR regulations, processes and procedures. Rather than having employees refer to a long and complex HR manual or attend a training workshop on the subject, the ministry wanted to train employees in an interactive and efficient manner that would maximize engagement and learning impact.

Having partnered with the ministry on numerous projects in the past, MENTOR was appointed to develop an e-learning program that would deliver the HR manual's content in an engaging manner, and enable HR administrators to easily track participation and assess learning. Our role involved the development of training content, e-learning course design, and the provision of an online platform to host all e-learning courses in general.

We created a total of 4 e-learning modules, placing great emphasis on localization by incorporating real use-cases, scenarios and UAE National-based avatars into a ministry branded course. In addition, animated videos, games and short assessments were woven throughout in order to maximize engagement, encourage course completion, and test knowledge gained.

The course was delivered through our LUMEO learning management system, which was implemented within the ministry, with hosting done on the client server and integration with its active directory. The system allows the HR team to track participation in e-learning courses, assess learning impact, automate course invitation and reminders, and export reports as per their needs.

Over 1200 employees were trained in a few months, exceeding the annual target and eliminating workshop training costs. This was an outstanding achievement, given that the client had previously put in a lot of effort to train employees in this area with limited success. The e-learning platforms implementation also enables the ministry to boost e-learning and diversify training.

Government e-Learning Digital Learning Media HR HRM Video Learning

Implementing an E-learning program in UAE ministry to replace HR manual

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