leaders of change

Offering consultancy services to help you lift the performance of your organization and people.

Mentor Global Consultants help organizations implement positive change and operate more effectively
by offering consultancy services, development programs and digital tools.

Change Management Services

Change Management Services

Supporting organizations plan and implement change initiatives

MENTOR is a management consultancy firm based in Dubai and California. Our consultants help clients manage organizational change by planning, implementing, and garnering support for it so that every person and process in the organization becomes an instrument of change. Our consulting practice is diverse to help our clients manage all phases of the change journey starting with strategy then planning, implementation and tracking. Our change management services are related to three key elements of the quality system of any organization - people, products and processes - and aim to improve performance and results.
With a pragmatic approach to management consultancy, and an emphasis on high quality project implementation, enabled through employee development programs and online digital applications, we lead the way for organizations to become better at what they do.

About Us →


Mentor Global Consultants provide management consultancy services to help clients achieve their goals. We help get your business on track and align systems, processes and human resources to help you optimize your organization's performance, facilitate innovation & manage change.
Strategy, Organization, Talent


Our approach to employee learning and development is designed to help both, the organization and the individual, to succeed. We offer customized employee training solutions to engage your team and enhance knowledge, competencies and skills.


Mentor Global Consultants facilitate change by providing custom digital tools to automate the change process. Our online solutions help you streamline talent management, innovation and organizational development activities.

Looking for strategy development, operations optimization or talent development services? Talk to a consultant to find out how we can help.


featured offering:
Comprehensive Assessment Services

Our assessment solutions are designed specifically to help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your employees, candidates, or students and make informed decisions that drive your business forward.


An assessment to measure cognitive abilities, such as reasoning and problem-solving skills, relevant to the job.


A test to assess personality traits, behaviors, and motivations relevant to the job and organization.


An assessment to measure observable behaviors and habits in a work-related scenario.

Competency Based

An assessment to evaluate specific technical or professional skills required for the job.

Emotional Intelligence

An assessment to measure a person's ability to understand and manage emotions.


An assessment to measure employee performance, strengths and weaknesses based on feedback gathered from self, employee's manager, coworkers.

Assessment Interpretation

We can interpret the assessment results and provide valuable insights into an individual's strengths, areas for improvement and enhance self-awareness that support personal and professional development.

Case study Learn More


AI Revolutionizes Employee Assessments: Unlocking Potential and Optimizing Performance

AI Revolutionizes Employee Assessments: Unlocking Potential and Optimizing Performance

Gamification is the use of game design elements in non-game contexts. It can be used to engage people to achieve their goals. Gamification can be used in a wide variety of applications, including education, training, employee performance management, and customer loyalty programs. Read More


Succession Planning Program

Succession Planning Program

Develop a process to identify high potential successor candidates & develop their skills

E-Learning on Anti-Money Laundry for Financial Institution Employees

E-Learning on Anti-Money Laundry for Financial Institution Employees

An E-Learning program to support organizations set initiatives to combat Money Laundering

Consumer Protection Gap Analysis and Policy Awareness

Consumer Protection Gap Analysis and Policy Awareness

Consumer Protection Gap Analysis and Policy Awareness