
Articles and Projects
  1. Advanced Public Speaking Training
  2. Automating the internal training function of a UAE bank
  3. Blockchain Training for UAE Government Ministry
  4. Building Effective Work Teams
  5. Capability Building for Mentors
  6. Capacity Building and Training Program for Internal Mentors
  7. Customer Service Enhancement Program to Assess and Train Employees
  8. Delivering a comprehensive training program for bank employees
  9. Effective Budgeting & Cost Control Training Workshop
  10. Employee Training
  11. For GCC banks, the key to meeting market challenges is in their people
  12. Innovation training for UAE bank employees
  13. Leadership training for UAE bank managers with focus on personal strengths
  14. Leadership training to enhance managers' team leading capabilities
  15. Learning
  16. Long-term outsourcing of Training Management for UAE Ministry
  17. Mentoring Programs for New Entrepreneurs
  18. Organizational Skills Training for UN organization in Bangkok
  19. Outdoor Team Building Program for International Oil Company
  20. Peer training videos to boost knowledge transfer in retail group
  21. Running Corporate Mentoring Programs in the Middle East
  22. Sales training
  23. Social Selling Skills Training Program
  24. Strategy and leadership building for socio-economic development in Iraq
  25. Study Tours in Turkey to Enhance Knowledge within Iraqi Industries
  26. Succession Planning in UAE Office of International Bank
  27. Supporting Nationalization Initiatives through Training Programs
  28. Supporting Saudi Women Entrepreneurs through research and mentoring
  29. Training HR Executives on Developing Organizational Career Paths
  30. Training in New York for UN on Group Facilitation & Problem Solving
  31. Training Program on Multicultural Work Practices for UN in Bangkok
  32. Training Program to Prepare University Students for Future Employment
  33. Training workshop about Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  34. What is gamification and how to gamify your work?
  35. Why Future Entrepreneurs Need Mentors
  36. Women Empowerment through Leadership Training